FREE from…
Flora is free of any ‘nasties’ that are found in hundreds of personal care products worldwide. Many of those ingredients, while not banned in our country, have been shown to have harmful effects on our health over time; several are associated with cancer, neurotoxicity, hormone disrupters and skin conditions, such as rosacea, dermatitis, eczema and acne. Numerous ingredients that have been prohibited in places like Europe and Asia are put on the ‘flagged for future assessment’ list by Health Canada, and in the U.S it’s a matter of buyer beware. But things are changing, the state of California is now required to list anything considered dangerous in their products and it’s quite the list! www.oehha.ca.gov. Also check out David Suzuki’s Dirty Dozen www.davidsuzuki.org/queen-of-green, (search Dirty Dozen, Cosmetic chemicals to avoid - be amazed)
Here At Flora we’ve decided not to take the risk and we have seen some truly amazing results. Our beautiful ingredients comprised of essential and carrier oils, plant extracts, clays and peptides are packed with nutrients and have been carefully picked to give your skin exactly what it needs to look its absolute best.